
多信道无线通信网混合业务接入控制的离散排队分析 被引量:3

Performance of admission control for multi-traffic in wireless communication network base on discrete time queue
摘要 基于无线通信网的运行机制、实时性和非实时性混合业务对无线通信网络不同服务质量(QoS)要求,设计了实时性业务优先接入控制策略,建立了无线通信网络的混合业务带有优先接入控制的多服务台离散时间排队模型Geo1+Geo2/Geo1,Geo2/s,s(PP)。并且应用矩阵几何解方法,对该排队模型进行精确分析,得到了系统的主要性能指标:实时性业务和非实时性业务的平均队长、实时性业务的阻塞概率、系统信道利用率等结果。 An admission control scheme with priority for real-time traffic was designed, and a discrete time queue model Geo1←+Geo2/Geo1,Geo2/s,s(PP) was proposed to investigate the performance of the multi-traffic admission control scheme, which based on the wireless communication running mechanism and the variable QoS(quality of service) requirement of multi-traffic. The queue was analysised by using method of matrix-geometric solution, and the exact performance measure were obtained such as average queue length of both traffic, blocking probability of real-time traffic.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期100-105,共6页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10271102)~~
关键词 无线通信网 混合业务 矩阵几何解 离散时间排队 wireless communication network multi-traffic matrix-geometric solution discrete time queue
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