
FDI在我国技术溢出效应的局限性及因应策略 被引量:8

The Analysis of Both Limitations of FDI Technical Spillorer Effect in China and Countermeasures
摘要 利用索洛剩余模型对FDI在我国的技术溢出效应进行分析和实证检验,结果证明:在我国FDI的溢出效应并不明显。以溢出效应三个途径作为切入点,通过对导致溢出效应不明显的原因进行分析、实证检验,表明我国FDI的技术溢出效应存在局限性。如何克服这种局限性以提高内资企业的技术水平则是值得研究的课题。 Introducing advanced foreign technology has become one of the principal means of technological progress to domestic enterprises, but foreign direct investment ( FDI ) technology spillover effect of our country has some limitations. This article uses the Solow Surplus Model to have the quantitative analysis on FDI technology spillover effect of our country, Then, according to three different ways of the spillover effect( inter- industry, intra - industry and human resource flows), the article has the qualitative analysis.
作者 杨健全 文雯
出处 《现代财经(天津财经大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第8期29-33,共5页 Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
关键词 卟商直接投资(FDI) 溢出效应 跨国公司 索洛刺余模型 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Spillover Effect Multinational Corporation
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