

Operative Approach for The Tumor of Parapharyngeal Space
摘要 目的:本文旨在研究咽旁间隙肿瘤手术治疗的入路。方法:5例咽旁间隙肿瘤根据肿瘤的位置、大小、性质、来源分别采用颈侧入路、颈-腮腺入路和颈-下颌骨入路切除。结果:不同的手术入路有不同的手术视野,可使咽旁间隙内和相邻神经、血管、结构得到较好的保留。结论:对腮腺深叶来源、非哑铃状良性肿瘤和位置较低的茎突后间隙神经源性肿瘤,宜采用颈侧入路,对来自腮腺深叶、哑铃状良性肿瘤,宜采用颈侧-腮腺入路;对位置靠上、较大的茎突后间隙的神经源性肿瘤,宜采用颈侧-下颌骨入路。 Objective:To explore the operative approach for the tumor of parapharyngeal space, Method:5 cases with tumors of parapharyngeal space were divided into three groups according to surgical incisions via the lateral neck, lateral neck - parotid and lateral neck - mandible. Results: Different operative approach could expose various vision of field for preserving nerves and blood vessels in parapharygeal space. Conclusions: It is important to select appropriate operative approach in tumor of parapharyngeal space. The approach of lateral neck has a clear operating vision of field for tumor behind inferior styloid process, that of lateral neck parotid for bell - like shape tumor and that of the lateral neck - mandible for tumor behind superior styloid process.
出处 《内蒙古医学杂志》 2006年第7期587-589,共3页 Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
关键词 肿瘤 咽旁间隙 手术入路 Tumor Parapharyngeal space Operative approach
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  • 2邱蔚六.口腔颌面外科学[M]人民卫生出版社,1995.


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