
风力发电运行价值分析 被引量:59

Analysis on Operation Value of Wind Power Resources
摘要 不对风电并网产生的影响作深入的分析,就不能确定风力发电的实际效益。风力发电价值的计算需要综合考虑发电收益、发电成本、辅助服务成本、环保效益等各方面因素。文章采用可靠性评估的方法,分析了风电并网引起的电力系统辅助服务成本的变化,在此基础上,给出了风电运行价值的详细表达式,并讨论了风电穿透功率、风能预测误差、备用容量价格、风电场容量系数等因素对风电运行价值的影响。 The actual benefits of wind power cannot be explicitly assigned without detailed analysis on the impact of adding wind energy to the traditional power system. It is necessary for the calculation of value of wind power to comprehensively consider power generation benefit, generation cost, ancillary service cost and environmental benefit. By use of reliability assessment, the change of auxiliary service cost of power system caused by connecting wind farm with power system is analyzed in detail. On this basis, detailed expressions of operation value of wind power are given and the impact of penetration level, wind power forecast error, price of reserve capacity and wind farm capacity factor on operation value of wind power are researched.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第14期98-102,共5页 Power System Technology
关键词 电力系统 电力市场 风电机组 辅助服务费用 风电运行价值 power system electricity market wind turbine ancillary service cost operation value of wind power
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