In the first year of Ming dynasty, the emperor Zhu Yuan-zhang set up the strategy of 'carrying out amnesty and enlist policy' to fathering Tibet. The government first put troops to the region of Gansu, Qinghai and Tibet and set up their standing point, and then extensively enlisted and comforted dignitaries of each branch of Tibetan Buddhism and asked them to come to the Court and show their loyalty to the Court. Meanwhile the central government sent messengers to enlist each Tibetan tribes. They paid special attention to those chiefs and dignitaries who had already come over and pledged allegiance to the Court and asked them to undertake the enlist work in Tibet. As to those chiefs who came to pledged allegiance, the government granted them relatively according to their former level. The political and strategic meaning of the above strategy of fathering Tibet was far more important than its practical administrating benefit although there was disharmony to the social structure of combining administration with religion in Tibetan region.
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
the first emperor of Ming Dynasty
strategy of fathering Tibet
carrying out amnesty and enlist policy extensively