Since the beginning of 20 century.global air temperature has increased at a speed of 0.53℃/100 years.Regional climate variation is an important togic in the study of global change.Thus westudied on the characters of climate variations over East Asia during the period of global warming.In this paper,the grided temperature data during 1891 1990 over East Asia(70-140°E,20 55°N)from Jones et al.had ben analysed.It was found that the temperautre variations withinthe region were quite different from global average characters.They have distinguishing regionalfeatures and seasonal variations,which are as follows.1)The regional temperature arised 0.56℃/100 years.It is close to the warming value of globalaverage temperature,0.56℃/100 years.However,the main warming appeared during winter seasons.Warming value of 0.83℃/100 years was calculated for winter season.There was no evidenceof temperature increasing in summer,and it had a linear temperature trend of-0.06℃/80 years.For winter,the highest temperature occured in the end of 1980's,while for summer the relativelywarmer period was in 1940s’.2)There are siginificant differences between different latitude zones. Temperature increasedboth in winter and summer seasons at lower latitudes,and slightly decreased in the subtropical areas.In higher latitude areas,temperature increased in winter,and decreased in summer.3)The temperature trend during recent 80 years shows that in winter seasons,the warmingareas were located north of 35°N,and the cooling areas distributed along middle and upper reachesof Yangtze and also over the areas south of Yangtze.In summer,temperature was deceased almostin the whole region,although there were some scattered warming areas such as the areas west ofLake Balkhash,India and coastal areas in southeast China.
Acta Geographica Sinica
Yegional climate,global warming and climate in East Asia,Greenhouse ef fect,monsoon region,Temperature anomaly