This article reports the case of a 34-year-old woman with xanthogranulomatous cholangitis who developed obstructive jaundice. Microscopically, the bile duct was surrounded and narrowed by a xanthogranulomatous lesion, but no xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis was seen. Although percutaneous cholangiograms done via the transhepatic biliary drainage showed smooth narrowing of the upper to middle bile duct, the cytology of bile was diagnosed as class V adenocarcinoma. Therefore, right extended hepatectomy and extrahepatic bile duct resection were performed. The differentiation of benign and malignant strictures at the hepatic hilum is often difficult. Xanthogranulomatous cholangitis is one possible diagnosis of a bile duct stricture. Precise review of all the preoperative information is required to make a correct diagnosis.
这篇文章与 xanthogranulomatous 胆管炎报导一个 34 岁的女人的案例发展了妨碍的黄疸。用显微镜,胆汁管被 xanthogranulomatous 损害,而是没有 xanthogranulomatous 胆汁包围并且变窄被看见。尽管经由 transhepatic 做胆汁的排水的经皮的 cholangiograms 出现了,变光滑变窄对中间的胆汁管上面,胆汁的细胞学作为班 V 腺癌被诊断。因此,正确扩大肝切除术和额外的肝的胆汁管切除术被执行。在肝的核的良性、恶意的苛评的区别经常是困难的。Xanthogranulomatous 胆管炎是胆汁管苛评的一可能的诊断。所有外科手术前的信息的精确评论被要求做正确诊断。