1. Background Corrosion is a fundamental prpcess that plays an important role in economics and safety, particularly for metals and alloys. Nowadays, corrosion problems have received a considerable amount of attentions. The annual direct cost of metallic corrosion ranges from 2% to 4% of national GDP in industrialized countries, and this cost sounds escalating in the future. Therefore. the research in metallic corrosion & protection is very important. They are not only technical problems, but also the problems of resource proration, energy saving, material saving, enironmental protection and so on. Researchers in this field endeavor to avoid all kinds of corrosions, The main strategy. to prevent electro chemical corrosion is metal isolation from corrosive agents in the most effective possible manner, including anodic protection, cathodic protection. heat treatment, chemical passivation, conversion coating, surface treatment, electroplating, surface oxidation, inhibitor, and so on.
1. Background Corrosion is a fundamental process that plays an important role in economics and safety, particularly for metals and alloys. Nowadays, corrosion problems have received a considerable amount of attentions. The