利用本地黄牛胚胎移植的荷斯坦奶牛犊牛,设计奶牛42日龄、50日龄早期断奶方法的两种不同方案(试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组),分别与常规60日龄断奶方法(对照组)进行了对比试验。结果表明:早期断奶有利于犊牛早期的生长发育和骨骼发育,显著提高犊牛60日龄的体重、日增重及其体高和胸围,同时能显著降低犊牛的培育成本,其中试验Ⅰ组(即犊牛出生后4天开始采食,第1周每天喂6 kg牛奶和150 g犊牛料,以后每周增加200 g犊牛料、减少1 kg牛奶,第6周龄每天喂料1 200 g,停止喂牛奶)60日龄体重、日增重、体高及胸围分别为91.10 kg、0.91 kg、82.90 cm和93.70 cm,较常规的60日龄断奶犊牛分别提高20.30%、35.80%、10.20%、12.20%(P<0.05),犊牛培育成本397.20元/头,较对照组降低成本35.80%。
The results showed that pre-weaning benefited to early growth and bones development, increased the body weight, daily gain, body height and chest girth of calf on 60d, and contemporary reduced the breeding cost of calf significantly. In treatment I calves began to feed on 4d, fed 6 kg milk and 150g calffood every day in the first week, after that increased 200g calffood and reduced 1 kg milk each week, and at the age of 6 weeks fed only 1. 20kg calf-food. In treatment I , the body weight, daily gain, body height and chest girth of calf on 60d were respectively 91. 10kg, 0. 91 kg, 82. 90cm and 93. 70cm, which were respectively enhanced 20. 30%, 35. 80%, 10. 20% and 12.20% compared with contrast group (P〈0. 05), the breed- ing cost of one calf was 397. 20 yuan, which reduced 35.80% compared with contrast group.
China Herbivores