
基于新兴古典经济学、交易成本经济学的产业集群演进机理探析 被引量:10

An Exploration on the Evolving Mechanisms for Industrial Clusters Based on New Classical Economics and Transaction Cost Economics
摘要 新兴古典经济学认为,在专业化经济和交易成本之间总是存在着非常复杂的两难冲突,交易效率的改进将会扩大分工经济与交易成本折衷的范围,从而提高生产者的专业化生产程度。交易成本经济学认为,不确定性、交易频率和资产专用性决定了经济活动主体的治理结构安排,随着三个变量水平的变化,其治理结构由于节约交易成本的原因,将经历市场、企业、网络组织的三种形态变化。文章运用新兴古典经济学与交易成本经济学思想,考察了劳动分工、交易效率与产业集群演进的互动关系,认为产业集群的形成与发展是一个劳动分工深化、交易效率提高(交易成本降低)的过程。在此基础上,文章对杨小凯的基于专业化经济的劳动分工模型进行了拓展和深化,以便对产业集群的演进机制进行深入分析,并通过模型分析支持了本文的观点。因此,产业集群的形成与发展有其自身的内在规律。当前,政府更为紧迫的任务是要注重产业集群软环境的建设,以此降低交易费用,促进产业集群的持续、健康发展。 New classical economics holds that at any time there always exist a very complicated trade - off between economies of specialization and transaction cost and the improvement on the transaction efficiency would enlarge the compromised scope between economies of division of labor and transaction cost, and therefore improve the degree of producers' specialized production. Transaction cost economics (TCE) maintains uncertainty, the frequency of transaction and the level of asset specificity determine the assignment of governance structure that will be adopted by the parties to the economic transaction and with the value changes of the three variables, the governance of strncture would undergo from market through hierarchy to hybrid economizing on transaction cost. The paper applies the ideas of new classical economics and transaction cost economics to investigate the dynamic endogenized relationships among division of labor, transactional efficiency and evolution of industrial clusters, holding that the formation and development of industrial clusters are a process of deepening of labor division and improvement of transactional efficiency( declining of transaction cost). On this foundation, the paper extends and deepens the model of labor division based on Yang Xiaokai' s specialized economy to carry on the thorough analysis of the evolution mechanism for industrial clusters. We validate the paper' viewpoints through the model analysis. Therefore, there exist inside laws itself for the formation and development of the industrial clusters. At present, it is more pressured for the governments to pay attention to constructing soft environments, so as to lower the transaction expenses and advance the development of industrial clusters continuously and healthily in the ultimate.
作者 何雄浪
出处 《南开经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期129-144,共16页 Nankai Economic Studies
基金 四川省教育厅社会科学基金项目(批准文号:川教科SA04-116)的资助
关键词 劳动分工 交易效率 网络组织 产业集群演进 Labor Division Transactional Efficiency Structure of Hybrid Evolution of Industrial Clusters
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