20 months after the acquisition of IBM PC division, China's computer giant Lenovo has injected many new concepts into the Thinkpad brand, which was formerly owned by IBM and targeted the high-end business personals. By providing fashionable designs and selling at lower prices, Lenovo tries to attract the middle-end consumers and meets some business elites' need for a personalized notebook. In the past two months, Thinkpad has undergone two rounds of price-cut promotions in America and similar promotions also happened in China. Through these efforts, which earn industry watchers' applauds, Lenovo has successfully incorporated the Thinkpad brand into its core competitiveness, namely the low-cost operation and quick market response. Now, middle-end products have taken around 10 percent of Thinkpad sales in China. One crucial challenge Lenovo faces is how to achieve a synergic effect after the acquisition, as a combining sales outlet for Thinkpad and Lenovo computers will inevitably lead to brand conflicts. Analysts believe Lenovo needs to strengthen 'Lenovo' as its corporate brand and gradually get consumers accepting Thinkpad as one of its product brands.
China Entrepreneur