The current Sino-U. S. relations have shown a very complex and dynamic look. Cooperation and friction between the two countries are increasing simultaneously. On the one hand, cooperation and consensus between the two sides in regards of counter-terrorism, nonproliferation, management of North Korea nuclear crisis, promotion of UN reform, and prevention of bird flu are on the increase. On the other hand, friction and even confrontation intensified over the issues like the Chinese oil company CNOOC's bid for Unocal,
So far no fundamental changes could be seen in the basic structure ofSino-U.S. relations, but significant changes are taking place in thesubstance of their bilateral ties. The causes of changes lie in the rapiddevelopment of China s comprehensive national power, transition ofstrategic views of both Beijing and Washington, and changes in inter-national environment. Thus, China faces new challenges in dealingwith the United States.