Internet上常用的汉字编码有 GB、HZ、Big5三种。微机仿真终端利用 HZ码和 ZWDOS可直接传送中文电子邮件、参加中文新闻组的讨论、浏览 Gopher服务器和 WWW服务器上的中文信息。GB码的汉字文件和其他二进制文件经过编码后亦可通过 E- mail传送。这三种汉字编码可互相转换 ,相应的软件可利用匿名FTP从
sThere are three frequently used Chi nese character codes—GB,HZ and Big 5—on Internet.We can send Chinese E mails,par ticipate in the discussion of Chinese Ne wsgroups,view Chinese documentation on G opher and WWW servers on PC emulation terminals by virtue of HZ code and ZWDOS .Encoded Chinese text files and other bi nary files can also be sent by E-mail.Th ese three Chinese character codes can be converted among each other by the sof tware which can be gotten by anonymous F TP form Internet.
New Technology of Library and Information Service