

Economic Analysis of Air-cooled Heat Pump in Tianjin Region
摘要 结合工程实例,对风冷热泵+燃气调峰锅炉与水冷冷水机组+燃气热水锅炉这两种冷热源方案的经济性进行了比较。风冷热泵+燃气调峰锅炉方案虽然在目前的工程应用中的经济性较差,而且对于水资源相对充足的地区风冷热泵不占有优势,但从长远来看,风冷热泵具有巨大的潜力。随着我国大制冷量风冷热泵的研制、生产技术成熟,必然会改变由于购买国外机组导致的系统造价较高的情况。 The economy of two schemes of cooling and heat sources, including air-cooled neat pump plus gas peak-shaving boiler and water cooled chiller plus gas hot water boiler is compared by means of engineering example. Although the scheme of air-cooled heat pump plus gas peak-shaving boiler has a poorer economy in present engineering application, and the air-cooled heat pump is not dominant in the regions with relatively abundant water resource, but the potential of air-cooled heat pump is great in the long run. The situation of high cost of the system caused by purchasing foreign machine will be changed with the development of air-cooled heat pump with large refrigerating capacity in China and the maturity of productive technology.
出处 《煤气与热力》 2006年第8期42-44,共3页 Gas & Heat
关键词 风冷热泵 水冷冷水机组 经济性分析 建筑冷热源 air-cooled heat pump water cooled chiller economic analysis building cooling and heat sources
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