

A Novel Internet Topology Model Based on Evolution
摘要 通过分析传统的基于偏好依附的演化型Internet拓扑模型BA模型,针对其考虑网络演化过程中事件的不完善性,提出一种BA模型的改进VBA模型。该模型更全面地考虑了网络演化过程中加边、加点和去边三种事件。对VBA模型的拓扑度量值分析结果表明,该模型能够生成比传统模型更优的具有幂律度分布和小世界特性的网络实例。 Analyzes a classical growing network model based on preferential attachment, the BA model. An improved BA model is presented which takes into account of adding either nodes or edges and deleting edges in the evolving networks. The analysis of its topology metrics shows that VBA model can generate better graphs with a power-law degree distribution and small - world properties.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2006年第8期88-90,共3页 Computer Technology and Development
关键词 Internet拓扑建模 网络演化 偏好依附 VBA模型 Intemet topology modeling network's evolution preferential attachment VBA model
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