Objective To observe the effect of two methods of promoting ovulation associating with uterus intracavitary. Methods 97 barren women (menstual cycles) ,were divided into 2 groups randomly. One group (74 cases) was given cc+ BML,the another group (23 cases)was given cc + HCG. All were given HCG to induce ovulation and husband spermatozoa uterus intracavitary artifificial insemination (AIH/IUI)when ovarian follides matured. Therapeutic efficacy and side effects were observed. Results The clinical pregnancy rate was 13.5 % and 39.1% in the CC + BML + HCGand CC + HMG + HCG respectively. The period pregnancy rate was 9.4 % and 25.7 % respectively( P 〈 0.05). Endometrial thickness was( 8.9 ±1.5 ) ram and( 10.3 ±1.7) mm in the groups of CC + BML + HCG and CC + HMG + HCG. Developed ovarian follides were ( 1.6 + 0.7) and (2.2 + 1.0) ; While endometritum thickness was ( 10.0 ± 1.7)mm and( 10.2 ±1.5)mm in BML pregnancy group and CC peegant group,Developed ovarian follides was (1.8±0.8) and (2.3±1.0). Condusion Both methods are effetive in treating infertility,while CC + HMG + hCG are more offcient by better stimulating the growth of endometrium and ovarian follides.
Guangxi Medical Journal