This article attempts to look at a specific China's labor regimethe dormitory labor regime in the age of globalization. Globalization of capital accumulation and transnational production highlight a shifting paradigm in labour process theory, which requires a theorization on spatial politics of production. What is emerging now in China is a transnational political economy of production that links not only to a new scale of the economic, but a new economy of scale, in which time and space are extensively reconfigured for capital accumulation on a global scale. We explore a new spatial politics of transnational labour process in China at the time of its rapid incorporation into world economy. We look into how this new spatial politics articulate the sphere of production with the daily reproduction of labour in expropriating surplus value in the workplace. We come to conclude that this dormitory labor regime is an outcome of the logic of transnational capital and the operation of national politicsboth factors contributing to the very specific form of a new dagong class forming in contemporary China. We need to further explore the significance of this dormitory labour regime in the transnational labour process, especially in terms of labour control and labour resistance.
Sociological Studies