目的分析高尿酸血症的临床及生化特征,并探讨血尿酸与代谢综合征(MS)的关系。方法采用横断面研究方法。结果(1)高尿酸血症组(82例)体重指数、总胆固醇和甘油三酯显著高于血尿酸正常组(269例)(26.36±2.39 vs 25.29±2.77,P<0.05;5.41±1.37 vs 4.84±1.18,P<0.05;2.47±1.76 vs 1.88±1.40,P<0.01),高密度脂蛋白水平显著低于血尿酸正常组(1.51±0.27 vs 1.62±0.45,P<0.05)。(2)血尿酸水平与体重指数、血总胆固醇和血甘油三酯呈正相关(r分别为0.213、0.133和0.130,P<0.05)。(3)高尿酸血症组合并血脂紊乱、肥胖和MS显著高于血尿酸正常组(分别为71.95%vs 43.87%,P<0.01;67.06%vs 54.64%,P<0.05;42.68%vs 27.88%,P<0.05)。(4)MS组与含MS2种组分组血尿酸水平(397.26±84.24和374.72±71.40)较无MS组与含MS1种组分组(327.96±78.39和351.82±75.08)显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),MS组血尿酸水平较含MS2种组分组显著升高。结论高尿酸血症与中心性肥胖、脂代谢紊乱和MS明显相关,因此血尿酸水平升高是MS的一个危险因素。
Objective To evaluate the clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients with hyperuricemia and relationship between hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome. Methods In 82 patients with hyperuricemia(HUA group) ,body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and fasting plasm glucose(FPG), plasm lipid ,and index of liver function were measured. 269 cases without hyperuricemia were the control group. Results (1)The levels of the BMI,plasm total cholesterol and plasm triglyceride were markedly elevated (26. 36±2.39 vs 25.29±2.77, P〈0.05± 5.41±1.37 vs 4. 84±1.18, P〈0.05±2. 47±1.76 vs 1.88±1.40, P〈0.01), and the levels of highdensity lipoprotein were markedly decreased (1.51±0.27 vs 1. 62±0.45, P(0.05) in HUA group compared with the control group. (2)In HUA group, dyslipidaemia was presented in 71.95% ,central obesity in 67.06% and metabolic syndrome in 42.68 %, those markers were markedly elevated than in the control group(43.87%, 54.64%, and 27.88 % ). (3)According to compositions of metabolic syndrome, 351 cases were divided into four groups , MS0 group (including none composition of metabolic syndrome ), MS1 group(including one composition of metabolic syndrome) , MS2 group( including two compositions of metabolic syndrome) and MS group (metabolic syndrome group), levels of the plasm uric acid were markedly increased in MS group (397.26± 84.24, 110cases) and MS2 group ( 374. 72 ± 71.40,101cases) than in MS1 group ( 351.82 ± 75.08,87cases) and MS0 group(327. 96±78.39,47cases)(P〈0.01) ,and were markedly increased in MS group than in MS2 group(P〈0.05) . Conclusion Hyperuricemia may be considered a dangerous factor of the metabolic syndrome.
Chongqing medicine