The stability of C36H2 isomers and selection rules for choosing position in addition reactions based on symmetrical C36(D6h and D2d) fullerene have been studied by means of Aihara's topological resonance energy (TRE) and bond resonance energy (BRE) methods. The relation between the addition pattern and BREs is established, showing high antiaromatic bonds are preferred for addition. These results show that TRE and BRE methods can be used to predict and interpret addition sites for these systems.
The stability of C36H2 isomers and selection rules for choosing position in addition reactions based on symmetrical C36(D6h and D2d) fullerene have been studied by means of Aihara's topological resonance energy (TRE) and bond resonance energy (BRE) methods. The relation between the addition pattern and BREs is established, showing high antiaromatic bonds are preferred for addition. These results show that TRE and BRE methods can be used to predict and interpret addition sites for these systems.
The project was sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry (No. [2005]383)