目的探讨母乳喂养与4~5岁儿童气质各纬度之间的关系。方法采用NYLS 3~7岁儿童气质量表和自制的儿童气质影响因素问卷,应用分层整群抽样的方法,对淄博市的8所幼儿园的737名4~5岁儿童进行调查,其中男孩399人,女孩338人。对气质各维度与生后4个月内喂养类型、母乳喂养持续时间的相关性进行分析;以气质各纬度为因变量,以生后4个月内喂养类型、母乳喂养持续时间等为自变量进行多元逐步回归分析。结果相关分析发现气质维度适应度与生后4个月内主要喂奶粉有关(r =0.084),规律性和注意分散与只喂奶粉有关(r=-0.087,-0.075),活动水平与只喂母乳和母乳与奶粉量相等有关(r=0.084,-0.077),趋避性与主要喂母乳有关(r=-0.097)。气质维度规律性、情绪本质、活动水平与母乳喂养持续时间4~6个月相关(r=-0.082,-0.102,-0.153),情绪本质、活动水平与母乳喂养持续时间≥9个月相关(r=0.089,0.088)。校正了家庭结构、父母亲受教育水平等因素后,多元逐步回归分析发现适应度、反应强度、规律性、活动水平、情绪本质、趋避性、注意分散的影响因素分别是主要喂奶粉、母乳喂养持续时间4~6个月和主要喂母乳、母乳喂养持续时间7~9个月和只喂奶粉、母乳与奶粉等量和母乳喂养持续时间7~9个月、只喂奶粉和母乳喂养持续时间7~9个月、主要喂母乳和母乳与奶粉等量、主要喂奶粉。结论婴儿生后4个月内喂养类型和母乳喂养持续时间与4~5岁儿童气质维度发展有关,在气质培养与干预中应充分考虑母乳喂养的作用。
Objective To study whether breasffeeding and its duration are associated with temperament in children aged 4 - 5 years old. Methods 737 children aged 4 - 5 years old in ZiBo were chosen by stratified cluster sampling from March to June,2005. Their breastfeeding conditions during infancy and temperament during 4 - 5 years old were investigated by self-made inventory questionnaire and NYLS 3 - 7years old children temperament questionnaire. Association between feeding type in the first 4 months after birth, duration of breasffeeding and temperament factors were analyzed. Results Correlation analysis indicated that adaptability was related to formula mainly ( r = 0.084). Rythmieity, and distractibility were related to formula only ( r = -0.087, -0.075 ). Activity were related to breast milk only and both breast milk and formula milk equally ( r = 0.084, -0.077 ), Approach was related to breast milk mainly( r = -0.097 ). Rythmieity, mood, activity were related to the duration of breastfeeding for 4 - 6 months( r = - 0. 082, - 0. 102, - 0. 153 ). Mood, activity were related to the duration of breastfeeding for ≥9 months ( r = 0. 089,0. 088 ). After adjusting for potential confounders, mnltiple factors regression analysis showed that the influencing factors of adaptability, intensity, rythmicity, activity, mood, approach and distractibility were relatively formula mainly, breastfeeding duration for 4 - 6 months and breast milk mainly, breastfeeding duration for 7 - 9 months and formula only, both breast milk and formula milk equally and breastfeeding duration for 7 - 9 months, formula only and duration of breastfeeding for 7 - 9 months, breast milk mainly and both breast milk and formula milk equally, formula only. Conclusion Temperament of children aged 4 - 5 years old is related to feeding type in the first 4 months after birth and duration of breastfeeding.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science