
经右颈内静脉应用球囊漂浮电极导管行床旁临时心脏起搏46例 被引量:2

An analysis of 46 cases of bedside temporary cardiac pacing with balloon-tipped floating catheter inserted through the right internal jugular vein
摘要 目的:探讨经右颈内静脉应用球囊漂浮电极导管行床旁心脏临时起搏的方法和可行性。方法:采用seld inger法穿刺技术,穿刺右颈内静脉送入球囊漂浮电极导管,根据体表起博心电图图形特点和导管深度行床旁临时右室起搏。结果:46例均经右颈静脉穿刺,在床旁放置带囊临时起搏电极于右心室,都达到迅速有效起搏,从穿刺到右心室起搏,平均时间为6m in,所有患者均无气胸、栓塞、严重心律失常、局部血肿、心脏穿孔、感染等并发症发生。结论:经右颈内静脉应用漂浮电极导管进行床旁右室临时起搏是一种较安全的起搏方法。 Objective: To investigate the methodology and feasibility of bedside temporary cardiac pacing with balloon-tipped floating catheter inserted through the right jugular vein. Methods: By seidinger technique, the balloon-tipped floating catheter was inserted through the right internal jugular vein. Then bedside temporary right cardiac pacing was performed guided by the QRS. morphology of pacing electrocardiogram(ECG)and the length of catheter in body. Results: 46 patients under going bedside right cardiac pacing by inserting balloon-tipped floating catheter achieved the rapid and successful pacing. And the average procedure is about 6 minutes. All the patients had no complications such as pneumothorax embolism, arrhythmia, part hematoma and cardiac perforation. Conclusion: Guided by the length of catheter and QRS morphology of pacing ECG, the balloon-tipped floating catheter inserted through the right jugular vein for bedside temporary cardiac pacing can be applied successfully. It is also rapid and feasible without Roentgenograph.
出处 《陕西医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第8期962-963,共2页 Shaanxi Medical Journal
关键词 心脏起搏 人工 电极 @经右颈内静脉球囊漂浮电极导管 Cardiac pacing,artificial Electrodes @Bolloon-tipped floating catheter inserted through the right internal jugular vein
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