基于DL/Z 634.56—2004的一致性测试规则,设计并实现了用于一致性测试的系统工具。详细介绍了它的动态模型、软件结构和测试环境。该系统可以进行自动协议判断、自动译码和最大限度地自动完成一致性测试。
IEC 60870 standards series is extensively applied in China. To meet the demands of the conformance test, the instructive document DL/Z634. 56-2004 for conformance test is issued. Based on the DL/T 667 1999 conformance test procedure of DL/Z 634.56-2004, a systematic tool used for conformance test is designed and realized. The dynamic model, software structure and test surroundings of the tool are described in detail. The systematic tool is capable of performing the auto-judgment of protocols, auto-decoding and auto accomplishment of conformance test to the limit. Its high dependability and efficiency has been verified in its application in actual test, providing an effective way to carry out substation conformance test according to DL/T667-1999.
Automation of Electric Power Systems