
行政执法中的协商与和解 被引量:41

Negotiation and Reconciliation in Administrative Law Enforcement
摘要 在行政执法中引入协商与和解从而实现行政执法方式的变革,既是顺应现代行政民主化发展趋势的必然要求,也是行政主体能否灵活应变日益复杂的现实社会、满足不同主体多元化需求的关键。作为一种行政执法方式,协商应当贯穿于整个行政程序;作为当事人预防、化解纠纷的一种方式,行政执法中的和解主要体现在和解契约与执行和解两个方面。 If we introduce negotiation and reconciliation to administrative law enforcement to transform the manners of administrative law enforcement, it can not only meet the trend of modern democracy, but also is the cornerstone of whether administrative subject can deal with the real society that is becoming complicated day by day to meet the demands of different subjects. Functioning as a way of law enforcement, negotiation should works through the whole administrative procedure, while the reconciliation of administrative law enforcement mainly acts in contracts and execution of the court.
作者 施建辉
机构地区 东南大学法律系
出处 《行政法学研究》 CSSCI 2006年第3期9-15,共7页 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW
基金 江苏省哲学社会科学基金项目"行政执法理念与方式创新之探索"的阶段性成果
关键词 行政法治 行政执法 协商 和解 Rule of Administrative Law Administrative Law Enforcement Negotiation Reconciliation
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