
培智学校课程改革与社会适应目标探析 被引量:38

A Research on Curriculum Reform and Objectives of Social Adjustment in Schools for Mental Retardation
摘要 本文在回顾智力落后儿童社会适应能力定义的基础上,分析了社会适应目标在智力落后教育与培智学校中的重要地位;对我国培智学校课程体系中的社会适应目标进行了详细回顾与分析;以社会适应能力为切入口,对我国培智学校课程改革的发展方向进行了讨论与思考。培智学校的课程改革要“以生活质量为导向”;既注意课程的统合,又要注意课程的分层;要向“学校为本位的课程”模式发展;同时,注重“均衡课程”的发展。 Based on the review of definition of social adjustment ability of children with mental retardation, this article analyzes the important status of objectives of social adjustment in education for mental retardation and schools for mental retardation. In addition, this article reviews and analyzes in detail about objectives of social adjustment in current curriculum system in schools for mental retardation in China, and then discusses direction of curriculum reform in schools for mental retardation in our country by analyzing social adjustment ability of children with mental retardation. This article points out that curriculum reform in schools for mental retardation should be life- quality- oriented; integration as well as differentiation of curriculum should be paid attention to; model of school - based curriculum should be developed ; and development of balanced curriculum should be focused on at the same time.
作者 邓猛 雷江华
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第8期17-21,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 培智学校 课程改革 社会适应目标 特殊教育 智力落后教育 课程统合 schools for mental retardation curriculum reform objective of social adjustment
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