为了方便在Linux操作系统下进行串口调试以及能在嵌入式系统开发板上直观地观察到串行数据传输,在Redhad 9.0下的Qt Designer编程环境下设计了串口调试助手。首先在Qt下以一种图形化的编程方式完成串口调试助手界面的设计,再将其生成源代码,然后在源代码中添加串口驱动,完成串口调试助手的设计。经实践证明,该串口调试助手在Redhad 9.0操作系统上运行良好。利用交叉编译程序将其移植到S3C2410的Linux 2.4上后也能够正常运行极大地方便了调试工作。
COM debug assistant is designed in Qt designer of Redhad 9.0, which is easy tO debug COM in Linux OS and is able to observe intuitively serial data transmission in development board of embedded System. Firstly, interface of COM debug assistant is designed by Qt GUL Secondly, interface is made source code. Finally, serial port driver is appended to the source code,the COM debug assistant is accomplished. With practice,the COM debug is run well in Redhad 9.00S. The program can also be run well and is convenience to debug,after the program is transplanted to Linux 2.4 of S3C2410.
Modern Electronics Technique