目的探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)血管成像对腹部隐睾肿瘤血管的显示及诊断价值。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的5例腹部隐睾精原细胞瘤及其肿瘤血管的MSCT表现。结果(1)5例肿瘤供血动脉均为同侧睾丸动脉,该动脉迂曲、增粗,于肿瘤后外方进入并终止于肿瘤。(2)肿瘤体积均较大,有完整包膜者2例,包膜不完整者3例,3例肿瘤密度不均匀,有坏死,肿瘤血供较丰富而肿瘤实体部分强化约14~25 HU。结论MSCT血管成像很好地显示了肿瘤供血动脉及瘤内血管分布情况,根据肿瘤由睾丸动脉供血可以作出腹部隐睾肿瘤的定性诊断。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic role of multi-slice CT (MSCT) angiography for tumors of intra-abdominal testes. Methods MSCT angiography of 5 cases with seminoma of intra-abdominal testes proved by surgery and pathology was analyzed, All patients were male, and the age ranged from 33 to 59 years with the mean of 43.6 years, Results ( 1 ) The arterial-supply of tumors completely came from the testicular artery of the same side, The arteries went into tumors from the posterior side, (2) The tumors had comparatively large volume with complete or incomplete amicula. The tumor density of 3 cases was inhomogeneous, The degree of entity augmentation of 5 patients was about 14-25 HU, Conclusion MSCT angiography can reveal the tumor vessel and is essential for the diagnosis of tumors of intra-abdominal testes.
Chinese Journal of Radiology