On the first day when Wang Yang came to work inChongqing as the Municipal Party Committee Secretary, hebraved the piercing wind and went to inspect the ThreeGorges Reservoir area and the poor mountain area and tocall on the relocated people and the poor masses. Afterthat, he went to some enterprises to express his sinceresolicitude for the employees and to inspect the 'commonaspiration project'...Secretary Wang Yang is very concernedabout the 'Eleventh Five-year Plan' of Chongqing. He hasasked the Social Consultative Committee to hold 6 meet-ings and collect over 200 suggestions from Chongqing citi-zens through websites.This high-rank official from the state department of theCentral Government is cordial to the people and practicalin work. He pays close attention to the people's livelihoodand shows great affection for the city.
Chongqing Today