
基于分区制定水库富营养化管理标准的探讨 被引量:4

Establishment of Eutrophication Management Criteria of Reservoir on the Basis of Ecoregion
摘要 在总结水库的区域、流域特性,水动力学特征及功能用途等导致水库富营养化特征之差异性的基础上,讨论水库富营养化分区管理标准的制定方法。研究认为:我国水库富营养化分区管理标准的制定,一是选取合适的分区指标,将水库纳属相应的地理区域;二是选取相应的指标体系制定科学的标准。同时,分区选取的指标应以地理类的指标为主,而标准指标应以营养盐、水动力学及藻类为主。未来工作应主要集中于水库降雨、温度、土地利用、水质等数据的收集及积累。 This paper studied different characteristics among region, watershed, hydrodynamic and purpose and functions of reservoirs in the ecological processes of eutrophication. Based on eutrophication characteristics analysis, some basic principles and methods to establish eutrophication management criteria were brought forward on the basis of ecoregion, which could provide scientific foundation for the ecological management of reservoir. In the course of establishment the criteria, two key problems should be solved. The first problem is how to select proper indicators to classify reservoirs into geographic regions. How to establish scientific eutrophication criteria with corresponding indicator system is the second problem. In addition, indicators to classify reservoirs into ecoregions should include mainly geographical indicators and indicators of criteria should mostly depend on nutrient, hydrodynamics and algae. It is significantly necessary in future to focus on collection and accumulation of reservoir data such as rainfall, land use and water quality.
出处 《江苏环境科技》 2006年第4期59-61,共3页
关键词 生态分区 差异性 营养盐 水动力学 Ecoregion Variability Nutrient Hydrodynamic
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