
钕掺杂锆钛酸铅纳米粉体的溶胶-凝胶法合成研究 被引量:1

Study on synthesis of Nd^3+ doped lead airconate titanate nanopowders by sol-gel methods
摘要 以乙二醇为溶剂,硝酸钕为钕源,采用改进的溶胶-凝胶法制备了钕掺杂锆钛酸铅纳米粉体Pb1-3x/2NdxZr0.52Ti0.48O3(PNZT)。通过FTIR、XRD、TG-DTA讨论了溶胶经热处理制备纳米粉体的反应机理,PNZT的热处理温度较PZT高50~100℃。采用XRD、SEM、TEM对纳米粉体进行表征。研究表明,钕掺杂增加了晶格畸变程度。与PZT相比,随着钕掺杂量增加晶格参数a和V下降,而参数c和c/a则不同,少量钕掺杂导致参数c和c/a增加,随着钕掺杂量增加逐渐下降。当钕掺杂量≤9%(摩尔分数)时可生成粒径约为20~50nm的钙钛矿型粉体,Nd3+离子取代Pb2+离子与Ti4+离子、O2+离子形成稳定的钙钛矿型结构。 Nd^3+ doped Lead zirconate titanate nanopowders Pb1-3x/2 Ndx Zr0.52 Ti0.48 O3 (PNZT) were prepared by the modified sol-gel methods. Ethylene glycol was used as solvent,neodymium nitrate was used as Nd^3+ source. The reaction mechanisms of nanopowder preparing process from the Sol were discussed through using FTIR, XRD,TG-DTA, and it was proved that the heating temperature of PNZT was 50- 100℃ higher than PZT. PNZT lattice structure was characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM. Results show that the lattice aberrance of PNZT was increased with Nd^3+ doping. Comparing with PZT, the constant a and V of PNZT were decreasing with the addition of Nd^3+ , but the c and c/a were increasing with a few Nd^3+ doping and then were decreasing gradually with the addition of Nd^3+. If Nd^3+%≤ 9% (tool) ,perovskite PNZT nanopowders which particle size is about 20-50nm could be formed. Nd^3+ replaced Pb^2+ of PZT and formed steady perovskite crystal with Ti^4+ and O2^+ .
出处 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期1213-1215,1219,共4页 Journal of Functional Materials
基金 海军装备十五计划资助项目(401050301) 黑龙江省科技计划资助项目(GB02A302)
关键词 掺杂 溶胶-凝胶 锆钛酸铅 纳米粉体 neodymium doping sol-gel PZT nanopowder
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