该文阐述了国际色彩景观设计领域的发展和理论,结合国内色彩设计的现状,指出必须建立有效的色彩景观理论体系来指导我国城市化进程中的色彩实践。文章从目标与方法两个角度进行展开,提出了使用二元定向图表法来确定色彩景观设计的目标, 并进一步阐述了色彩景观设计的方法论——包括尺度、建筑要素、材料、管理机制四个方面。
The paper expounds the progress and theory of the color landscape, and basing on the actuality of color landscape design in China, it is indicated that an effective color landscape design system must be established in the urbanization. The paper proceeds with two points of view: objective and methodology, discusses the polarity profile that helps to establish the design objective In the colourscape projects, ulteriorly illustrates some design methods, including scale, architectural element, material and manage system.
Huazhong Architecture