我理解的大禹是个农民,而不是皇帝。设计时让它朴实点,切合实际点,这个想法得到当地主管部门的支持。参与设计的还有黄滋,他承包了施工图, 建筑实现后评价不一,有人认为它不是现代人的作品,有人认为它的尺度大小。
Da Yu is farmer to my understanding, but not an emperor I made the structure simpler and morn practical and this idea was approved and supported by the local superintending department Mr. Hung Zi is the collaborator, who took charge of the construetion drawings. When it is completed, the project received different appraisals Some people thought it was not a piece of work done by contemporary people, others thought its scale was too small.
World Architecture Review