城市隧道作为市政工程中的一 种道路形式,在过去的设计中更多注重 的是线型的优化、断面的比较、建造的方 式,而对城市隧道建成后对周边环境、城 市景观的影响研究甚少,该文以杭州市 解放路隧道为例对城市隧道出入口环境 艺术设计的原则和手法进行了探讨。
The city tunnel, as a part of municipal program, is paid attention to Its comparison of section, optimization of line type, and the form of construct instead of the effect on urban landscape In past years. The passage, illustrating Jiefang Road of Hangzhou, discusses the principle and method we should pay attention to In the process of designing the portal of cliy tunnel.
Huazhong Architecture