“本届高交会充分展示了‘发展高新技术、促进西部大开发’的主题, 体现了‘合作、创新、务实、开放’的办会精神,是西部地区的又一次科技盛会,在高科技成果展示、高科技成果交易、高科技论坛、高科技主题活动等四方面取得了新的进步。”“高交会已成为我国西部一流,国内著名的具有军民结合特色的科技盛会,对推动西部大开发做出了积极贡献。”
Chongqing Hi-lech Fair has become the first-grade scientific and technological fair in western regions of China and the famous army-civilian joint hi-tech fair all over the country. The fair has done great contributions to the development of western China.' 'The scale, the grade, the fair level and the actual effect of the 7th Chongqing Hi-tech Fair have surpassed those of the previous hi-tech fairs.
Chongqing Today