SOI CMOS技术在一些特殊应用领域中有着体硅无法比拟的优势文中叙述采用SIMOX材料和0.8μm SOI CMOS工艺加固技术成功研制出抗辐射性能较好的器件和电路,并且给出了SOI CMOS器件的特性随辐照总剂量的变化关系,试验电路通过了总剂量500 Krad(Si)钴60γ射线辐照实验。
SOI CMOS technology is used in some special application field, and it has many ascendancy, We are succeed in making good IC what has high anti-radiation capability of using SIMOX and 08 μm SOI CMOS technics.In last we give a change relation of SOl CMOS IC's identity with relation dosage.
Electronics & Packaging