
人格、自我控制、价值观对青少年犯罪影响的Logistic回归 被引量:2

Logistic Regression of the Influence of Personality,Self-control and Value on Youth Crime.
摘要 目的了解人格、自我控制、价值观对青少年犯罪的影响作用。方法采用中学生人格五因素问卷、自我控制量表、青少年价值观问卷对137名男性在押少年犯施测,以140名男性普通中学生为对照组进行比较,并进行Logistic回归分析。结果与普通少年组相比,犯罪少年在谨慎性、冲动冒险性、自我情绪性、道德观、接受权威及需要表达等维度上差异显著;Logistic回归表明,外向性、冲动冒险性、自我情绪性、接受权威和需要表达对青少年犯罪有正向的预测作用,谨慎性、道德观及个人主义对青少年犯罪有负向的预测作用;人格、自我控制、价值观变量联合预测青少年犯罪行为时,预测成功率达到76.5%。结论人格、自我控制、价值观对青少年犯罪行为的发生均有显著地预测作用,其中外向性、谨慎性、冲动冒险性、自我情绪性、道德观、接受权威、需要表达及个人主义等变量对青少年犯罪的预测作用比较强。 Objective To comprehend the influence of personality, self-control and value on the youth crime. Method Test with Five-factors Personality Questionnaire for Middle School Student, Self-control Questionnaire, Questionnaire of Value of teen-age on 137 male juvenile criminals who are imprisoned, to compare the above with the comparison group of 140 male ordinary middle school students, and to do logistic regression analysis. Result Compared with ordinary youth group, the difference in respect of the wariness of personality, the actuation and the adventure of self-control , and the latitude of the juvenile criminal are obviously different. The success ratio in the forecast the juvenile criminals with the variables of five-factors of personality, self-control and variable of value reached 76.5%. Conclusion Five-factors of personality, self-control and value have obviously effect to forecast the juvenile criminals. The function of extroversion, wariness, actuation and adventure, self-emotion, morality, acceptance of authority, need of expression and individualism to forecast juvenile criminals is strong.
机构地区 上海政法学院
出处 《医学与社会》 2006年第8期34-36,共3页 Medicine and Society
关键词 青少年犯罪 人格 自我控制 价值观 Youth Crime Personality Self-control Values
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