

A Comparative Study of Mediterranean Policies of European Security Organizations
摘要 冷战的终结导致了欧洲内部力量结构的变化,地中海进入了欧洲安全的考虑范围。“欧盟—地中海伙伴关系”文件中对地中海区域更为全面的政策体现了欧洲新的政治和安全身份,而各欧洲安全组织(欧盟、北约、西欧联盟和欧洲安全与合作组织)与地中海之间的关系需作细致的分析。本文在考察了冷战终结后欧洲安全组织的适应性改造和演变,以及这些组织在冷战后欧洲新安全形势下的目标和职能转换、力量和适应性调整、竞争和关系的协调之后,得出的结论是:欧盟在积极稳妥地推进“东扩战略”的同时,有意愿、也有能力成为主导地中海区域经济繁荣、政治稳定、文化融合的重要力量。 The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Initiative deals with a system of true and effective cooperation among countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea,and reflects a new European political and security identity.This paper examines the adaptability and evolvement of the EU,NATO,WEU and OSCE that have adjusted their policies toward the Mediterranean region to face the post-Cold War challenges and the changes of European security structure.Ever since early 1950s,with the eastward enlargement and development of the European Community,the EU seeks to shape its rim land.With the advancement of economic,political and social dimensions of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Initiative,the EU is not only willing to but also has the capacity to be a leading force to keep economic,political and social development stable in the region.
作者 董入雷
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期54-70,共17页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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