
黑切牛肉的诱因及预防措施 被引量:1

Induce of dark cutting beef and precaution
摘要 早在20世纪30年代,黑切牛肉就引起了人们的注意,由于它异常的品质特征使得牛肉的商品价值下降,在当今的肉牛屠宰加工业中这个问题依然存在。本文阐述了促使黑切牛肉形成的几个主要因素:应激反应、糖原消耗、激素注射及宰前操作,并提出了可能的预防措施。同时也对其他一些可能造成黑切牛肉的因素作了概述。 In early 1930s', dark cutting beef had drawn much attention due to its abnormal quality features , dark cutting beef was degraded in price. So far this issue has been existing in beef industry. Main factors cause the incidence of dark cutting beef were discussed in this review, stress response, glucogen depletion, hormone injection and handlings prior to slaughter. Other factors may induce dark cutting beef and measures taken to prevent the incidence of dark cutting beef were also discussed.
出处 《肉类工业》 2006年第8期44-48,共5页 Meat Industry
关键词 黑切牛肉 感官评价 应激反应 糖原消耗 激素注射 dark cutting beef sensory evaluation stress response glucogen depletion hormone injection
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