Franco和Yin应用Glauber多次散射理论研究α—4He、3He、2H、1H弹性散射时,在N—N散射振幅中引入一个简单的随动量转移而改变的相因子,使Glauber理论的计算结果与实验数据的符合程度得到很大改善;其后Lombard和Maillet也是用Glauber理论,又研究了这一相位变化对p—4He弹性散射的影响,得到同样的结论;最近,Wang Shilai和Deng Yibing等又在KMT理论框架下,计算了p—4He微分散射截面和自旋观测量,发现这个相改变使得KMT理论框架下所计算的p—4He结果与实验数据符合的情况得到改善.本文紧随Wang Shilai和Deng Yibing等人的工作,也是在KMT理论框架下进一步对p—12C弹性散射进行研究,检验了在KMT理论框架下N—N振幅相位对p—12C弹性散射的作用.本文应用动量空间一级光学势,包括库仑修正,计算出微分散射截面与自旋观测量.其结果表明,在N—N散射振幅中引入一个由Franco和Yin建议的简单的随动量转移而改变的相因子后,使得KMT理论计算的p—12C弹性散射微分散射截面和自旋观测量与实验符合的程度得到改善.这个结果充分说明N—N振幅的相位对KMT类型的理论计算也起重要作用.
Franco and Yin studied for α-^4He,^3He,^2H,^1H elastic-scattering by using the phase of the nucleonnucleon elastic-scattering amplitudevaries varies with momentum transfer in the framework of Glauber multiple scattering theory at intermediate energy. The phase variation leads to large changes in the differential cross sections, and brings the Glauber theory into agreement with experimental data. Later Lombard and Maillet is based on the suggestion by Franco and Yin studied for the p-^4He elastic-scattering in the framework of Glauber theory, and found this phase to be actually important for the description of spin observables. Recently Wang Shilai and Deng Yibing et al studied for the p-^4He elastic-scattering in the framework of KMT multiple scattering theory at intermediate energy, and found this phase lead to differential cross sections and polarization, which are in better agreement with experimental data. This paper is based on the suggestion by Franeo and Yin that the phase of the nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitude should vary with momentum transfer. The proton elastic scattering on ^12C is studied in the KMT multiple scattering theory with microseopic moenteum space first term optical potential. The Coulomb interactions are taken into account in our calculation. The theoretical calculation results show that the phase leads to differential cross section and polarization are in better agreement with experimental data. In conclusion this phase is actually important in the framework of-KMT theory.
Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics