

Smartcard-Based System for Multicast Content Protection and Payment
摘要 内容保护问题是实现数字内容网上交易的关键问题。传统的组播密钥管理都假设所有合法组用户可以知道组密钥,这种假设对于商业组播是不现实的。该文设计的组播内容保护和支付系统假设智能卡是安全的,所有攻击者包括持卡人都无法获知智能卡中的私钥和组密钥。系统使用最近提出基于身份加密方案,从而避免了公钥证书的使用。系统可以保证数字内容的安全传输,同时具有用户身份认证、内容认证和密钥管理方面的简单性,系统还支持用户的匿名消费。 Content protection is the key issue to perform digital content transactions on the web. It is impractical for commercial multicast assuming that all group members know the group key in traditional multicast key management schemes. The proposed design for multicast content protection and payment system is based on the secure smartcard assumption under which both attackers and card holder are not able to obtain the private key and group key stored in the smartcard. Identity-based encryption scheme is introduced in the system to avoid using public key certificates. The system can guarantee the secrecy of content transmission with other features like simplicity for identification, content authentication, key management and anonymity for payments.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期1497-1500,共4页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60332030 60496316)资助课题
关键词 组播密钥管理 数字内容保护 智能卡 支付 Multicast key management, Digital content protection, Smartcard, Payment
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