
传输线的随机建模及瞬态响应数值实验分析 被引量:7

Stochastic Modeling for Transmission Lines and Numerical Experimental Analysis for Transient Simulation
摘要 该文考虑集成电路制造过程中传输线制造工艺参数随机扰动对传输线传输性能的影响,建立了传输线的随机模型,针对该模型提出了基于蒙特卡洛法的传输线瞬态响应统计分析方法。统计分析中采用精细积分算法求解传输线样本瞬态响应,并对模型输出的正态性进行偏度-峰度检验,给出了最差情况估计。试验结果表明该文提出的传输线随机模型及统计分析方法可以对传输线的传输性能进行有效的评估,对于传输线制造过程的控制及优化有着重要意义。 The random perturbation of technological parameters is always existent during manufacturing, which has a definite impact on transmission performance of transmission lines. Considering the impact the stochastic model for transmission lines is proposed, and Monte Carlo method based statistical analysis method for transient simulation is presented. During the analysis process the precise integration algorithm is used to solve the transient simulation of each transmission line sample, and Jarque-Bera test is made for the normality of the model's output, finally the worst-case estimation is given. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed stochastic model and the statistical analysis method can evaluate the transmission performance of transmission lines effectively, and have great significance for the control and optimization oftransmission lines' fabrication process.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期1516-1520,共5页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
关键词 传输线方程 随机建模 瞬态响应 蒙特卡洛法 Transmission line equation, Stochastic modeling, Transient simulation, Monte Carlo method
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