

Preparation and Microwave Properties of Co Ultrafine Powder by Electroless Plating
摘要 以CoSO_4·7H_2O、NaH_2PO_2 H_2O等为原料,在[Co^(2+)]=0.30 mol/L,[Co^(2+)]:[NaH_2PO_2·H_2O]=1:8(摩尔比),pH=9.8,T=90℃,[Co^(2+)]:[Na_3Cit]=2:1(摩尔比),DBS用量为0.5%(质量分数)的条件下,采用化学镀工艺制备了金属钴超细粉体。采用XRD、SEM对其相成分、显微结构进行了研究。采用波导法,对超细钴粉的复介电常数、复磁导率在8.2~12.4GHz下的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,金属钴超细粉体的粒径在0.5~1.0μm左右,呈片状和圆球状。所制备金属钴粉的介电损耗值较小,在0左右波动,其磁损耗在1.3左右变化。 Metallic Co ultrafine powders were prepared by electroless plating method using COSO4.7H2O, NaH2PO2·H2O, etc as starting materials, the experimental conditions were as follows, [^2+]=0.30 mol/L, [^2+]:[ NaH2PO2 H2O] =l:8(mol ratio),pH=9.8, T=90℃, [^2+]:[Na3Cit] =2:1 (mol ratio),DBS 0.5% (mass fraction). X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy were used to obtain detailed information on the crystallography of the ultrafine cobalt powders. The complex dielectric constant and complex permeability dispersion were investigated using network analyzer in 8.2-12.4 GHz by the waveguide method. It indicated that the average particles size of the ultrafine cobalt powders was about 0.5-1.0 μm, its crystals were observed to be square and global in morphology. The dielectric loss of Co ultrafine powders showed a small value about zero in all measuring frequencies, which magnetic loss was about 1.3.
出处 《中国粉体技术》 CAS 2006年第4期1-3,共3页 China Powder Science and Technology
基金 河南省杰出青年科学基金 编号:0512002400。
关键词 超细粉 化学镀 微波性能 cobalt ultrafine powder electroless plating microwave property
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