

Analysis of the specifications and editorial quality of Chinese core journals of three main disciplines of universities
摘要 为强化编辑的责任意识,加强高校学报与高校中文核心期刊编辑规范、编辑质量的整体建设和个体建设,增强编辑向社会提供集科学性、规范性、可读性、经济性于一体文化产品的使命感;为国家制定并不断完善有关技术规范提供参考;为核心期刊遴选或评比或质量建设提供依据;为科学发挥核心期刊在编辑规范、编辑质量的“导向性”作用,不断提升核心期刊在人们心中的重要地位;为促进科学信息传播的“有序化”,促进大型文献数据库的建立,提升对文献数据进行交换、处理、检索、评价与利用的可比性、通用性、标准性,推动中国学术期刊文献信息交流现代化和文献计量学研究水平的提高,以高校“中文核心期刊”为对象,根据《中文核心期刊目录总览》所列144种高校学报,基于自然科学(86种学报)、农业科学(28种学报)和工业技术(30种学报),从“中国期刊网”资源站随机选取2004年每种学报论文共计864篇,进行调查.分析归纳了高校学报在“标题、摘要、关键词、引言、量和单位、图、表、数学符号与公式、语言表达、参考文献”等十大方面存在的问题.指出了导致高校学报编辑规范、编辑质量方面存在的87个不容忽视的现象和问题点.提出了“重新修订《中国高等学校自然科学学报编排规范》,设立学报论文规范化检查、评审和公示制度,建立对知名大学学报的随机抽查制度,加强对名校、名报的监管力度,把学报规范化作为遴选核心期刊的一个必要的或硬性的考核指标”等7项政策性建议. In order to enhance the responsibility sense of editors, the construction of editorial normative and editorial quality of university journals and Chinese core periodicals, the editor's mission of offering scientific, normative, readable, economical products; to establish and perfect technological normative; to provide selection basis for core journals; to show the 'Piloting' function for core periodicals' editing normative, quality and strengthen the significance of core periodicals; to further the transmission ordering of scientific information and build large journal database, enhance the comparability, generality and standardization of data, and hasten the modernization of China's journal information and bibliometrics research, this paper has performed a survey and analysis based on Chinese Core Journals, according to the 144 universities' journals listed by A Guide to the Core Journals of China, including Natural Sciences(86 journals), Agricultural Sciences (28 journals) and Industry Technology (30 journals), randomly selecting 864 papers from CNKI. In this paper, the analysis includes the problems of university journals in 'title, abstract,Keywords, introduction, units, figures, tables, mathematical signs and equations, expressions and references'. All together 87 phenomena and problems in editing normative and quality are listed and 7 suggestions are given, which include 'emending Editing-Typeset Regulations on Natural Sciences Journals of China's Colleges and Universities, establishing normative inspection and reviewing of journal papers, establishing the random inspection for famous journals, strengthening supervision, making the normative of journals as a required criteria for evaluation'.
作者 关开澄
出处 《大庆石油学院学报》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第4期138-142,共5页 Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute
基金 黑龙江省出版理论研究项目"编辑审读分析:高校中文核心期刊规范性 编辑质量的调查研究"基金资助(20051215)
关键词 高校学报 中文核心期刊 编辑审读分析 编辑规范 编辑质量 抽样调查 导向性 有序化 <Key words>university journals Chinese core journals reviewing analysis of editors editorial normative editorial quality random inspection piloting function ordering
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