
RANTES与幽门螺杆菌感染 被引量:1

RANTES and helicobacter pylori Infection
摘要 慢性胃炎最常见和最重要的病因是幽门螺杆菌感染。H.pylori感染时胃粘膜组织中T细胞的浸润增加,活化的T细胞释放各种炎症介质、炎性细胞因子、氧自由基、NO、溶蛋白酶等,造成胃粘膜的损害,目前对于胃粘膜组织中T细胞浸润的机制并不完全清楚。RANTES是一种T细胞特异的趋化因子,其在胃粘膜组织中产生增加可能是T细胞浸润的主要原因。 H. pylori is considered to play major pathogenic roles in chronic gastritis. H. pylori infection increased T cell infiltration in the antral mucosa of chronic gastritis. The activated T cells cause gastic mucosa lesion by producing mediators of inflammation, inflammatory cytokines,oxyradical and nitrogen monoxidum. However, roles of chemokines in T cell infiltration in chronic gastritis remains to be elucidated. RANTES is a chemoattractant cytokine (chemokine) important in the infiltration of T lymphocytes. RANTES may therefore contribute to the cellular infiltration in the H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa.
出处 《国际消化病杂志》 CAS 2006年第4期243-246,共4页 International Journal of Digestive Diseases
关键词 RANTES 趋化因子 幽门螺杆菌 RANTES chemoattractant cytokine Helicobacter pylori
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