亚像元成像技术是目前实现相机小型化及提高相机空间分辨率的一种有效方法。将亚像元成像技术引入高速TDICCD相机中,使相机在不影响扫描速度及不改变TDI CCD器件尺寸和相机焦距的情况下,大大提高空间分辨率。通过分析五株排列的抽取和插值理论,设计了亚像元插值算法,由相机输出的两幅原始图像经过计算得到比原图像分辨率高的图像,仿真结果表明,运用亚像元成像技术可以使TDI CCD相机的分辨率提高到1.4倍以上。
The sub-pixel imaging technique is one of the valid new methods, which can reduce the size of camera used in satellites and improve its spatial resolution. A novel method that combined the sub-pixel imaging technique with the TDI CCD camera is presented. The method can improve imaging system's resolution sharply , while keeping the same size of TDI CCD sensor and focal length of the camera system. Based on the analysis of quincunx theory,the high-resolution image was obtained from the two images of the TDI CCD sub-pixel camera . The result shows that the resolution of sub-pixel imaging system can be improved 1.4 times as many.
Science Technology and Engineering