
正交多项式拟合在EMD算法端点问题中的应用 被引量:20

Dealing with the End Issue of EMD Based on Orthogonal Polynomial Fitting Algorithm
摘要 经验模态分解(EMD)是由Huang等人提出的一种全新的针对非线性非平稳信号处理的算法.通过EMD,可以把一个信号分解为若干个固有模态函数(IMF),再将这些IMF进行希尔波特变换,从而得到具有真正意义的瞬时频率,因此解决了传统信号处理方法的不足之处。与此同时,EMD算法是一个全新的算法,本身也存在不足,如端点问题。文章在现有的解决方法的基础上,提出了用正交多项式拟合的方法来解决EMD的端点问题,并通过和已有算法的比较来证明这种方法的有效性。 The Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) has been developed by Huang ere,which is a new method for analyzing nonlinear and non-stationary signal.A signal can be decomposed into some Intrinsic Mode Function(IMF), which is processed by Hilbert transform for obtaining meaningful instantaneous frequency.Therefore,this new method has resolved deficiencies belonging to traditional methods for processing signal.At the same time,this new method has some deficiencies due to have been developed lately.One of the deficiencies is end issue.In our paper,based on existent methods,we put forward Orthogonal Polynomial Fitting Algorithm to deal with this issue.We have proved our mean is available via comparing it with other means.
机构地区 南京邮电大学
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第23期72-74,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 江苏省教育厅高校自然科学研究基金资助项目(编号:02SJD510008 04KJB510093) 江苏省图象通信重点实验室开放课题(编号:KJS03037)
关键词 EMD 多项式拟合 正交多项式拟合 EMD,polynomial fitting,orthogonal polynomial fitting
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