In this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to the one-dimensional linear stochastic differential equation with Skorohod integral Xt(ω)=η(w)+∫^t 0 asXs(ω)dWs+∫^t 0 bsXs(ω)ds, t∈[0,1] where (Ws) is the canonical Wiener process defined on the standard Wiener space (W,H,u), a is non-smooth and adapted, but η and b may be anticipating to the filtration generated by (Ws). The intention of the paper is to eliminate the regularity of the diffusion coefficient a in the Malliavin sense, in the existing literature. The idea is to approach the non-smooth diffusion coefficient a by smooth ones.
In this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to the one-dimensional linear stochastic differential equation with Skorohod integral Xt(ω)=η(w)+∫^t 0 asXs(ω)dWs+∫^t 0 bsXs(ω)ds, t∈[0,1] where (Ws) is the canonical Wiener process defined on the standard Wiener space (W,H,u), a is non-smooth and adapted, but η and b may be anticipating to the filtration generated by (Ws). The intention of the paper is to eliminate the regularity of the diffusion coefficient a in the Malliavin sense, in the existing literature. The idea is to approach the non-smooth diffusion coefficient a by smooth ones.
This work is supported by NSFC