By introducing the concept of scale geology into scismic signal processing, and together withse1f-organization theory in the field of scale and fractal, we can demonstrate the unity of gcologyand scismology in mathcmatical cxpression which gives the deconvolution of seismic signalpractical geologic constraints. This is thc so called ftactal deconvolution. Thercfore this is a wellconstraincd signal frequcncy enhancement technique,or 1 /fβ geologic filtering technique.In this paper, acoustic Iogging data and density logging data of wells are studied in detail withthe practical seismic data in ZB Paleozoic gas field. It is domonstrated in the study that the powerspectra of their acoustic impodance exhibit distribution (0. 5 < β<1.5 ) andcorrcspondingly t he powcr spectra of thcir rcflcct ion coefficients series exhibit f' distribution (a=2 -β ). Thc study shows that all the correlation functions of the reflection series have negativesmall lag value from which it call bc demonstrated that the reflection coefficients arc fractal series,not white noise scrics. and t be ralat ional cxprcssion betwecn the parameter a and thc reflectionseries lag terms ratio is infcrrcd, thcn from the canonical equation used to predict crror filter thecanonical cquation of fractal prcdiction crror filtor is obtaincd by rounding off after 1 lag terminstcad of 0 lag tcrm as usuai. Thc filtcr coefficicnts can be found with iteration method which areapplicd in thc proccssing of scismic record.The practical data proccssings show that compared with predictive dcconvolution or impulsedeconvolution, fractal deconvolution improves resolution, widens frequeney band. And hence it isa effective new technique for frequency in enhanccment.
Geophysical Prospecting For Petroleum