
从《窄门》到《梵蒂冈地窖》看纪德对基督教问题的批判性思考 被引量:4

André Gide's Critical Reflection on Christianity in Straight is the Gate and The Vatican Cellars
摘要 本文通过介绍纪德在19世纪末20世纪初法国文坛“天主教复兴”大环境中的思想发展轨迹,对作家复杂的宗教态度的形成过程与基本特征进行梳理和总结,并通过对纪德的两部作品《窄门》和《梵蒂冈地窖》的阅读分析,从两个方面探讨纪德对基督教问题的批评思考:对新教的隐晦批评和对天主教的辛辣讽刺;考察了这种批评态度下隐藏的人本主义思想。 The intellectual trajectory of André Gide is to be considered in the context of a Catholic renaissance, which occurred in the French literary world at the end of the 19~ th century. By examining this trajectory, we can get a general view of how the writer's religious attitude has become so complex. The present paper, by reading and analyzing two books of Gide (Straight is the Gate and The Vatican Cellars, also known as Lafcadio's Adventures), investigates Gide's critical reflection concerning his ambiguous relationship to Christianity: indirect criticism of Protestantism and direct derision of Catholicism. Thus the purpose of our paper is also to call attention to the humanistic spirit behind the writer's critical attitude.
作者 刘珂
机构地区 北京大学法语系
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期75-86,共12页 Foreign Literatures
关键词 纪德 基督教 批评 基督 Gide, French literature, Christianity, criticism
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  • 1《殴美文学论丛》第五辑《殴美文学与神话》.
  • 2Andre Gide, Les Cahiers et les Poesies d'Andre Walter, Paris,Gallimard, 1986, p. 72.
  • 3Eric Marty, Andre Gide. Qui etes-vous? Lyon, La Manufacture, 1987, pp. 144-145.
  • 4Andre Gide, Le Traite du Narcisse, in Romans, recits et soties, oeuvres lyriques Paris,Gallimard, Bibliotheque de la Pleiade, p. 4.
  • 5Andre Gide, La Tentative amoureuse, in Romans…, p. 84 -85,p.583.
  • 6Frederic Lefevre, Entretiens avec Paul Valery, Paris, Le Live, 1926, p. 127.
  • 7张若名 陈敬堂译.《纪德的态度》[M].三联书店,1997年.第192页.
  • 8Andre Gide, Les Nourritures terrestres, in Roman…, op.cit., p. 168, p. 170.
  • 9Andre Gida, Et nunc manet te, in ,Souvenirs et voyages,Paris, Gallimard, Bibliotheque de la Pleiade, 2001, p. 937.
  • 10Andre Gide, Les Caves du Vatican, in Romans…, op. cit.


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