
中国眼科医生对智障者视觉健康的认识调查 被引量:1

A comparative survey of Chinese ophthalmologists and their understanding of vision care for people with mental disabilities
摘要 目的了解中国眼科医生对智障者视觉健康的认识和诊疗技能的现状,为制定针对性的教育和培训方案提供依据,更好地为世界特奥会提供健康诊疗服务。方法采用随机方法,对来自中国31个城市和地区的1351位(男性629位,女性722位)参加第十届全国眼科大会的医生代表进行问卷调查。调查内容包括对被调查医生的个人信息(如省市、年龄、职称、学历、医院等级、工作地点)及其对特奥和智障者的认知情况。对问卷调查表的各项内容进行分类汇总统计。结果被调查医生中80.48%对特奥概念理解不正确,85.44%没有参与过特奥眼科健康项目,95.56%表示愿意参与特奥眼科健康项目,72.19%认为智障者的视觉健康被忽视,需要改善。经过特奥培训的中国眼科医生(如温州地区)对智障者视觉健康的认知和参与情况显著高于国内平均水平。结论目前中国眼科医生对保障智障者眼睛和视觉健康重要性的认识不足,但绝大部分的医疗机构和眼科医生都对特奥事业充满热情。特奥事业在中国的进一步发展有着扎实的基础,通过特奥视觉健康项目可以有效促进眼科医生对智障者视觉健康的认识和诊疗技能。 Objective To learn how much Chinese ophthalmologists understand about vision care for people with mental disabilities in order to establish a basis for specialized training that can be. adapted for the Special Olympics World Games. Methods 1351 Chinese ophthalmologists (629 males, 722 females) attending the 10th Chinese Ophthalmic Acadermic Congress were randomly surveyed. Information, including background information on the doctors (area location, age., rank, education, hospital rank, etc. ), and their understanding of mental disability and the Special Olympics was collected. The data was then analyzed accordingly. Results 80.48 % of the doctors did not have an accurate understanding of the Special Olympics and 85.44 % of them had not attended the Open Eyes program for the Special Olympics. 95.56% of the ophthalmologists surveyed thought that vision care for people with mental disabilities had been ignored to some extent and needed to be improved. The eye doctors who have bee,, trained by Special Olympics programs like those in Wenzhou have a better understanding and were more active, in the. vision care of mentally disabled people. Conclusion So far many Chinese ophthalmologists have still not received special tnnning for the vision care of people with mental disabilities. However, most of the hospitals and doctors are willing to be. involved in health care programs for mentally disabled people like the Special Olympics healthy athletes programs, which will contribute to the deveJopment of these programs in China. Proper training improves an understanding of the clinical techniques.
出处 《眼视光学杂志》 2006年第4期246-248,239,共4页 Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology
关键词 中国眼科医生 智障者 视觉健康 Chinese Ophthalmologists intellectual disability vision care
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