
黑素细胞免疫学特性与紫外线关系研究进展 被引量:2

The Immune Characteristics of Melanocytes and Their Relationship with Ultraviolet Irradiatio
摘要 已发现皮肤黑素细胞是一种具有免疫学功能的新型细胞。它能表达某些重要的表面分子,替代性地作为抗原递呈细胞,而且它亦能分泌多种细胞因子和神经肽,并受相关因素的调节,参与皮肤的免疫应答。紫外线作为一项重要的环境因素,直接和间接地影响黑素细胞的免疫学功能。 Evidences showed that epidermal melanocytes are a new type of immunocompetent cells. They can express surface antigens and co-stimulatory molecules important to be antigen presenting cells alternatively; they can release many kinds of pro-inflammatory or immunosuppressive cytokines and neuropeptides as well. All of these responses are regulated through several pathways. Ultraviolet is known to be a vital environmental element affecting the immune functions of melanocytes directly or indirectly. Here, we review the literatures focusing on the immunocharacteristics of melanocytes and their relationship with ultraviolet irradiation.
出处 《国际免疫学杂志》 CAS 2006年第4期264-268,共5页 International Journal of Immunology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(30371294)
关键词 黑素细胞 免疫 皮肤 紫外线 Melanocytes Immune Skin Ultraviolet irradiation
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